Maths Week 2022

Scoil Mhuire celebrated Math Week in style this year with a range of fun Maths activities finishing with a “Design your own Maths hat” competition. 2nd class shape pictures Mr Quane’s Class Maths Quest 1st class Maths hats Senior Infants Maths hats...
Feel Good February

Feel Good February

Scoil Mhuire’s Connect Crew hosted  “Feel Good February” this year.  A number of “Wellness Wednesday” and “Fabulous Friday” activities were organised for the school top participate in.  Students enjoyed activities including a...
Halloween Fun

Halloween Fun

The children had great fun on Halloween dress-up day, Friday 22nd October.  The Student Council organised fun games and activities in the hall and every class was presented with a tub of sweets at the end.  The children also took part in a Fun Run in the park in front...
Ms Slavin’s Retirement

Ms Slavin’s Retirement

In June we said goodbye to our principal Ms Slavin. Due to the Covid restrictions we had a rather different but equally enjoyable event to say goodbye and thank you. Every class performed a little song, poem or special message and Ms Slavin was presented with tokens...
Scoil Mhuire’s new A.S.D. class

Scoil Mhuire’s new A.S.D. class

We are very excited to be opening the first A.S.D. class in Shankill this September, in Scoil Mhuire. We will be welcoming 6 new pupils to our unit.  We will have a state-of-the-art classroom, with a dedicated teacher and 2 SNAs. Alongside this we will be opening a...
Collection for India

Collection for India

On Friday 7th May, Ms Scott and her class organised a non-uniform day to collect money to help with the current Covid-19 crisis in India. There are many families in Scoil Mhuire with relatives in India and everyone contributed very generously.  We are delighted to...
News from the Garden

News from the Garden

Ms. Coffey has been keeping an eye on the Scoil Mhuire garden. The daffodil bulbs were planted by fifth class in October. The carrots overwintered in the pot and survived...
Celebrating being back in school!

Celebrating being back in school!

We are all so happy to be back in school this month and the children have been busy doing all the things they’ve missed doing with their school friends – enjoying learning in the sunshine, getting ready for Easter, art and crafts and even baking some yummy...
Our New Outdoor Classrooms

Our New Outdoor Classrooms

We are delighted to announce the opening of our two new outdoor classrooms.  The Junior Learning Area is located on the hill in front of the Junior Yard and our Senior Learning Area is located behind the PE hall.  Both areas have an outdoor blackboard and natural log...

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